A one person show with Clare Higgins, directed by Dominic Cooke and designed by Jean Kalman
I think Alexi Kaye Campbell may have been in the audience but he certainly stuck around to see Dominic in the Post Show Talk. Frankly, I wish he'd chaired it but that's another story.
Would that we all had the chance to expose and discuss our most concerned thoughts in a public arena like this. It's a magnificent tour de force with no real answers but the solutions really lie in the questioning. At the risk of stating the obvious, one of the most striking things about this piece is the fact that the idea of it began more than 20 years ago.
What's on Stage gathered some reviews from Monday night and the ovation that Ms Higgins got really said it all.
The talk afterwards was very entertaining. Mr Shawn was hilariously bumbling when trying to articulate his thoughts and Clare was so euphoric one was concerned for her health. Dominic was calm, considered and utterly adorable. Worth paying the full price for the talk night but we got discount for booking another production in this glorious season.