with Rebecca Adamson and Jack Bowman
Zoe Ambrose and Oliver Burton
Vicki Appleton and David Ward
Kellie Higgins and Giles Roberts
I am so cross that I didn't write about this nearer the time. It was a wonderful afternoon and Owen dealt with these young actors so gently but also charged them with energy. Hypnotic to watch.
Giles & Kellie were the most accomplished of these young people but Oliver and Zoe (thought I thought she said Nic) came a close second.
Jack was a weak link to Rebecca and laboured his Essex accent which seemed to grate with such a role. I am not sure if it was Jack or David who did not come as prepared as the others but Owen was so reassuring as he gave him his text to read from. I wonder if it was just nerves. I think it was Jack who seemed so scared and didn't seem to understand any of the words he was reading. No wonder he found them hard to learn.
Owen had them treating the lines in a variety of different ways and it was so interesting to watch him explore this text with them.
Macbeth: Act 3 Scene 2