07 April 2007

Attempts on her Life by Martin Crimp

The Company Are :-
Claudie Blakeley
Kate Duchene
Michael Gould
Liz Kettle
Jacqueline Kington
Dina Korzun
Helena Lybery
Paul Ready
Jonah Russell
Zubin Varla
Sandra Voe

Directed by Katie Mitchell and the Company
Designed by Vicki Mortimer

In it's opening run at the Lyttleton G14

A lot of what I have to say about this can be referenced back to my notes on Waves. An incredible theatrical experience in the innovative genre only hithertoe pulled off by the likes of Robert Lepage.

This went further out on a limb than Waves, presented as a sort of script meeting where far too many people put their thoughts together on how a film script would progress. After a while their thoughts cross over into realised scenes with the occassional aside to discuss the progress. The use of on stage filming/projections is once again skillful but I did think on of the most amazing things about Waves were the minutiae in the little trays and boxes. Many of the Company were those used in Waves.

There was a technical problem about a third of the way through and it was dealt with very efficiently but they did have to stop the performance. In most other productions that would have been a disaster but in this it hardly mattered at all. I actually think some member of the audience thought it was part of the show. Maybe it was. Maybe I am the fool!

Incredible. I really didn't know what I was going to see (got a standby on a whim) and had I known it was going to be such an amazing piece I would have chose a day when I was not due to see Ibsen a la Eldridge in the evening.

At least I have had time to make my notes before departing for Covent Garden