26 June 2006

Market Boy by David Eldridge

Boy - Danny Worters
Mum - Claire Rushbrook
Mouse - Callum Dixon
Don - Paul Anderson
Snooks - Freddy White
The Trader - Gary McDonald
Girl - Jade Williams
Woman with huge feet/Fat Annie/ - Jan Goodman
Mother/Kate Arms - Ruth Sheen
Daughter/Sticky Nicky - Jaimi Barbakoff
Transvestite/Flypitcher/Paintings Man/Baliff - Owen Oakeshott
Gypsy/Flypitcher/Market Sweep/Knicker Woman - Georgina Lamb
Spanish Lady/Market Brass/Flower Lady - Mercedes Grower
Thatcher - Nicola Blackwell
The Most Beautiful Woman in Romford - Jemma Walker
Leather Man - Andrew Frame
Leather Boy - Branwell Donaghey
Steve the Nutter & Nut Nut - John Marquez
Fish Woman/Old Biddy - Sophie Stanton
Jason - Jim Creighton
The Toby - Paul Moriarty
Meat Man - Jonathon Cullen
Romford Labour Candidate/Video Man - Jacob Krichefski
New Boy/Flypitcher - Craig Vye
Dad/Flower Man - Stephen Ventura
Colonel Blood/Flypitcher - Micah Balfour
Flypitcher/Titus - Ralph Birtwell
Flypitcher/Sweet Man/Steve Davis -Michael Camp
Flypitcher/Vespasian - Mike Darnell
Flypithcer/Knicker Man - Michael Taibi

Directed by Rufus Norris
Designed by Katrina Lindsay

During it's first run at the Olivier

It had the look and feel of a first class west-end musical without the nauseating and contrived songs! A wonderful evening's entertainment charting a rites of passage for a young Romford lad pushed by his mother to work on a shoe stall in the Market.

The story doesn't go very far and it doesn't get there fast but this show is about the dialogue, the characters and the soundtrack.

For the first time in the Olivier I took one of the cheap seats at the front(B12 in the aisle with no seat in front so loads of leg room etc)