Erna Walden - Niamh Cusack
Henrik Ryberg - Edward Davenport
Viggo Pihl - Hugh Skinner
Gustace Alland - Zubin Varla
Lilly Wallden - Claudia Renton
The Concierge - Avril Elgar
Botilda - Marlene Herrington
Mr Moller - Patrick Drury
The Postman - Ray Newe
Directed by Paul Miller
Designed by Simon Daw
in a new version by Clare Bayley at the Cottesloe - F 28
At tale of obsession and manipulation. Very interesting piece. A famous but fading artiste preys on the vulnerable bereaved woman as his inspiration and muse. I think it took a little longer to make it's point than necessary. A couple of the scenes didn't seem to move the plot along very much but some lovely performances. Mses Cusack and Carroll were fabulous