14 September 2008

Lipsynch by Robert Lepage

Frederike Bedard - Marie & others
Carlos Belda - Sebastian & others)
Rebecca Blankenship - Ada Webber and others
Lise Castonguary - Michelle & others
John Cobb - Jackson and others
Nuria Garcia - Lupe and others
Sarah Kemp - Sarah and others
Rick Miller - Jeremy and others
Hans Piesbergen - Thomas and others

Directed by Robert Lepage and designed by Jean Hazel seen in the last London performance of it's consecutive format at the Barbican. We had wonderful seats......for the most part.

Oliver Mace (Tim McInerny) was there - amongst others........oow - Oliver Dimsdale......Fiona Shaw........erm gawd brain powering down. I read that Richard Eyre & Simon Callow were there too but that may have been the day before.

I know the first reaction is to groan at the thought of a nine hour production (almost 2 hours of which are intervals) but I know I am not going to be able to find the words to describe what I have experienced today

Without going into production details, just experiential........just imagine you're favourite tv drama series........you've bought the boxed set and it's so amazing that you can't put it down and you have to watch every episode consecutively, just stopping for snacks and the loo........... THEN imagine that all the actors have agreed to perform the whole thing live for you. I can honestly say I didn't want ANY of the intervals. I just wanted it to go on and on. I couldn't wait for the next installment even though I know Mnsr Lepage's work well enough to know how all the loose ends would tie up.

I would say only 5 percent of the audience actually stayed in their seats at the end and they did four curtain calls to a screaming crowd.

I'm torn because I want to read other people's thoughts but I want to find the time to carefully write my own before that. I shall return