Saturninus – Patrick Moy
Bassinanus – Simon Wilson
Titus Andronicus – Douglas Hodge
Marcus Andronicus – Richard O’Callagghan
Lavinia - Laura Rees
Lucius – David Sturzaker
Mutius – Thomas Padden
Quintus – Elliot Guiraloarocca
Young Lucius – Hugh Wyld
Publius – Jake Harders
Valentine – Thomas Padden
Caius – Simon Wilson
Plebian – Chris Emmett
Nurse – Claire Nielson
Emilluis – Chris Emmett
Peasant - Elliot Guiraloarocca
Tamora – Geraldine Alexander
Alarbus – Ben Crystal
Chiron – Richard Riddell
Demetrius – Sam Alexander
Aaron – Shaun Parkes
Directed by Lucy Bailey
Designed by William Dudley
Witnessed at Shakespeare's Globe on Bankside
The smoked filled yard came alive with the return of Rome's victorious general Titus Andronicus as he was processed around the yard on what seemed to be a mini zip-up tower. He was clothed in full Roman fighting dress and 2cm squares of black confetti were flung from the upper balconies. What with that and the amazing velarium, Ridley Scott and Arthur Max would have been proud.
The production never lost it's pace from that moment. The confetti device was used on a couple more occassions with multi coloured strips and at one point little strips of paper with the words 'Terra Astraea reliquit' (and justice returns to earth)which was clever.
I watched this from the farthest back wall of the yard where I was safely out of the action but for those a couple of feet in front of me it was a testing experience. Groundlings needed to have their wits about them as they never knew when some of the action would take place via these two zip-up towers being hurled around the yard.
Douglas and Shaun were magnificent and so was Geraldine Alexander. There was much blood and gore and it was really well done. The humour that one expects at the Globe was also readily available. Lavinia's demise was handled so well. She was so piteous and so bloodied and in the wrong hands it could have been ridiculous.
I am seriously thinking about seeing this again from one of the upper balconies. I think it would be great fun to watch the action from above.